
Digital Photography Concepts: White Balance

March 16, 2009

Anyone who grew up in the UK will remember Daz, whiter than white advertisements; perhaps they still even persist.  White was King when it came to washing powders and detergents.  But what is white exactly?  Silly question it may seem, but in digital photography it is far from trivial… here, too, white is king. You […]

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Photography Concepts: Depth of Field

March 12, 2009

Time and again I hear this term used and it gets either used completely incorrectly. It is often combined with the word aperture, and voila, a statement that sounds remarkably technical, but actually makes little sense. With a quick explanation and with the help of a picture or two I’d like to help answer the […]

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Digital Photography Concepts: Camera RAW

March 4, 2009

This topic is discussed and questioned all over the web, so why do I feel the need to talk about it here?  There’s just something not intuitive about some attempts to articulate it…  we all have different way to describe things, so the more explanations out there, the better.  Hopefully this will help clear up […]

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Digital camera buying guide [Part II]: What a D-SLR can offer

February 24, 2009

In the previous article I touched upon the 2 main extremes of digital cameras, namely SLRs, and compacts.  The former is bulky and expensive, while the latter is small, slim and cheap. What is a D-SLR and why would I want one? SLR is an acronym for Single Lens Reflex.  This represents the mirror and […]

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Digital camera buying guide [Part I]: Where do I start?

October 31, 2008

There are so many cameras out there, and so many options to consider that picking a digital camera can be quite daunting.  Isn’t it an odd phenomenon that with more choice comes less satisfaction?  Very often we find ourselves wondering if in-fact we chose the ‘wrong’ one… maybe there’s a better one that I didn’t […]

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