comfort zone

Want the secret to developing poor friendships?

February 12, 2012

Want the secret to developing poor friendships? It generally involves being self-centred, passive aggressive and downright boring. But don’t worry – these are skills you can practice and with time, you’ll be an expert!

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Un-comfort zones point to our true fears

June 19, 2010

Often our anxieties are not our true fears, but a trigger for other deep-rooted fears we hold. Look outside your comfort zone for your true fears. English Teaching is one such of mine.

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Overland travel is good for you

June 15, 2010
Thumbnail image for Overland travel is good for you

Travelling by air is viewed as far more convenient than any other, and in many ways it is. But air travel more expensive than overland (train, bus and sea) travel and in many ways far less convenient. It’s worth considering all that you can gain, as well as save, by taking the slower option.

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