fruit smoothie

Fasting: the one-day fast

June 22, 2009

Ever since coming back from my detox-fasting program in Thailand in May, I have resolved to undertake a weekly 1-day fast to maintain my health or at least aim to keep it up to the levels I experienced when I left Thailand following the detox.  I haven’t managed to put this into effect until now […]

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How to make the perfect fruit smoothie

April 23, 2009
Thumbnail image for How to make the perfect fruit smoothie

Ever wanted to make fruit smoothies and you don’t know where to start? What do you need? How do you mix it? Are they healthy and why? Making fruit smoothies is easy and I’ll tell you how.

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Why going on a diet sucks

April 22, 2009

Going on a diet, restricting what you can eat for the sole purposes of rapid weight loss isn’t a fun pursuit. Better to approach your diet in moderation, not restriction.

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